January 24, 2010

Project Report Week #2 - Sample Footage

I spent this week collecting about 2 hours of footage that will be chopped up into short "grains" and fed into the Jitter patch I'll be using for this project, which I put together earlier this week (thought it will require some tweaking once the collection of video grains is assembled). I filmed at home in Appleton, WI, on the banks of the Fox River in Menasha, WI, and on top of Lake Winnebago near Stockbridge, WI.

Since the final performances of this project will involve several layers of video layered upon one another, I wanted to make sure to include a great deal of white negative space in the shots to minimize some of the clutter that will inevitably occur. The Lake Winnebago Tree Line clip (below) was completely unaltered after importing it into Final Cut; the whiteout look was created only by adjusting the camera's exposure.

I wanted some of the imagery to be evocative of issues relating to media and information transmission, so I sought out radio and cell phone towers. I completely failed to notice the flock of starlings around the Menasha radio tower in the Radio Flocking clip (below) when I was filming, but thought that they created a beautifully unexpected metaphor once I viewed the video. The brightness and contrast of this grain was adjusted in Final Cut.

It might be easier to watch these videos on the Vimeo website or in fullscreen mode.


  1. The second video you posted is amazing. Both videos look really nice all washed out, but there's something about the birds and the tan/grey against the white that looks very striking in the second video. The first confuses me a little as far as your concept, but I'm sure when it's chopped up and among the others the movement of the person will look nice.

  2. The delicacy of these is working. Tripod?

  3. I had a tripod, but it was really windy on the lake, so there's a little bumpiness in the first vid.
