This is a much more elegant way of explaining what I am doing with my current video project that I could come up with on my own (thanks, Bucky!) Rather than thinking of this project (and some of my recent music) as fixed in time and space, I am instead creating sets of rules for ordering visual, sonic, or conceptual materials in time with the goal of altering or projecting those materials in a new light. The materials are theoretically completely variable (though for this project, there will be a finite number of pre-made videos in the algorithm program).
Yes, I suppose I'm making "conceptual art," but my ideas tend to be pretty boring, tedious concepts on their own (and tend to make for shitty PowerPoint presentations, too) until they're applied to light- or sound-making materials, just like the concept of an overhand knot is simple and meaningless on its own, but can form the basis for the incredibly complex tapestries.

i agree, i think your project will encompass most of what we have watched and read in this class. And combining all of it, so far, into one will be interesting to see. Your project especially reminds me of laurie anderson's work.